Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 03, 2006
Keep Getting Up
“CBS News anchor Dan Rather admits he was always fascinated by the sport ofboxing, even though he was never good at it. “In boxing you’re on your own;there’s no place to hide,” he says. “At the end of the match only one boxer hashis hand up. That’s it. He has no one to credit or to blame except himself.”Rather, who boxed in high school, says his coach’s greatest goal was to teachhis boxers that they absolutely, positively, without question, had to be “get up”fighters. “If you’re in a ring just once in your life—completely on your own—andyou get knocked down but you get back up again, it’s a never-to-be-forgottenexperience. Your sense of achievement is distinct and unique. And sometimesthe only thing making you get up is someone in your corner yelling.”-Reader’s Digest, December, 1990
Which are you at the moment? The person who is down trying to get up, or theperson in the corner yelling for someone else to get up? Which ever it is, do ittoday. If it’s getting back on your feet, recovering from one of life’s blows…you can do it in the strength God gives. Make a move. If it’s watching someoneelse trying to do that… yell your heart out, encourage them, believe in them!We all need someone in our corner.
Which are you at the moment? The person who is down trying to get up, or theperson in the corner yelling for someone else to get up? Which ever it is, do ittoday. If it’s getting back on your feet, recovering from one of life’s blows…you can do it in the strength God gives. Make a move. If it’s watching someoneelse trying to do that… yell your heart out, encourage them, believe in them!We all need someone in our corner.