Friday, November 09, 2007

Birthday Diary

Birthday Diary:
5:30 am: Woke up at and helped Sarah clean up Calebs vomit.

6:00 am: Hopped in Car and drove to middlemarch.

7:00 am: Hopped on bike at Middlemarch, and peddaled towards Ranfurly.

9:12 am: Got puncture somwhere between Hyde and Daisybank.

9:13 am: Broke bike pump.

9:55 am: Guy rides past and lends me his pump.

10:05 am: Back on the bike.

11:15 am: Arrive Waipiata with squeaking fron Wheel. Drink Coffee, turn around, head for middlemarch
12:25 pm: Arrive at Hyde, front wheel bearings utterly tooled.

12:40 pm: start thumbing a ride.

12:56 pm: First car goes past.

1:20 pm: Second car goes past.

1:35 pm: Third car stops.

2:00 pm: arrive middlemarch, drive home.

3:00 pm vege out with the family and eat choclate cake.

10:45 pm: The breakers beat the slingers in extra time, go to bed.

10:55 pm: Caleb starts vomiting again

The mighty Ross

A new friend from the 'states came out, so we pulled a quick trip to Sandfly bay out of the bag. we saw about 13 sea lions,

including this Bull. They can be pretty agressive, so we kept our distance, apart from stumbling across one in the sand


Laser Strike Anyone?

Team Thompson will take you down.

My Big Deck

The Deck is coming along. Check out the pics. Full credit to my apprentices.

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